

Just yesterday, in my non-camping post, I made a comment about Bigfoot.   It was kind of, sort of a joke, because, sheesh....we all know, he's not real.  I mean c'mon...a giant hairy ape living in colonies in the woods all over America and NO ONE can get a "real" picture of one?  Or even find a dead one anywhere?  Seriously? 

But, you know what....I kind of, sort of wasn't joking.  I, secretly, like to think that there are mysterious animals living in our world and we can't seem to confirm or deny their existence.  Like Sasquatch or Nessie or even Raystown Ray- our local loch ness monster in Lake Raystown.  I'm sure others do to or we wouldn't have loved Hairy and the Henderson's, Baby or Jurassic Park so much.   

So, when I heard that Finding Bigfoot was premiering last night at 10pm on Discovery....guess who was tuned in?   The fact that the spoiler showed a man deep in the Florida swamps listening intently to the guttural noises coming from the woods and saying "I do believe there is a squatch in them woods" only piqued my interest.  That's just good stuff. 

Back in the 70's , I remember watching those grainy home movies of Bigfoot sightings on my retro futuristic zenith color TV console and actually believing that he lived outside my bedroom window.  And, seeing that there is actually going to be a series about finding him,  that makes me believe it all the more.   The Dairy Farmer wasn't impressed that I was excited to watch this show.  He told me it was a waste of a good hour of my life, but I figured.....it's at 10pm.  What am I normally doing at 10pm on a Sunday night?  Why, I am lying in bed watching Everybody Loves Raymond re-runs and trying like mad to drone out the sound of the loud snores emanating from my true love and hoping to fall asleep before I have to rain blows upon him. 

So, I'm watching....I don't care watcha say.  This has GOT to be good.  And.....I wasn't disappointed.  It starts out with 4 people from BFRO (for the layman- that's Bigfoot Field Research Organization) who go to Florida to meet with a family who says Bigfoot- who they call skunk ape in the south- who knew? is visiting their property nightly.  Remember that- nightly...that's a key word. 

Ok- so one guy's name is Moneymaker, that, in itself just made me laugh.  The other dude,  they call Bobo and I swear on my life that he IS part Sasquatch.  He is a huge, hairy man, and I think that the part this isn't Yeti is part American Indian. He's kind of a bumbling fool and when he let out his "call" to bring in the skunk apes...well, I just about peed my pants.  The other one is a chick who reminds me of Velma from Scooby Doo and then there is some random other guy. 

These poor folks- who are scared to death because this ape thing has been visiting their porch and left a big, slimy, stinkin' hand print on the INSIDE of their screen door, ate all their bird food and hopped over their fence leaving a huge footprint, decide that - of course, these 4 BFRO folks can spend the night and look for the apes. 

This is where I died.  It was too much.  They decide to go "dark man" and sent the chick down into the woods, by herself in the middle of the night in the flippin' dark and let her listen to what is going on around her and report back via walkie talkie.   Bobo-oh, I can hardly stand it, remains on the porch with a thermal scanning device to look for movement of warm bodies and the other 2 randomly walk about the property.  

So, Bobo calls in the apes and guess what????  One answers back!  He gets an image on the screen of a big warm body and as he goes to investigate further........he falls down the flippin' porch steps and scares the skunk ape away!!!!!  For the love of Mary.....WTH???????     They all call it a night and decide to leave the panhandle of Florida and go down into the everglades and visit with some Indians who have seen him too.

Now- here is what kills me.  The entire show is filmed with night vision cameras.  Why, in heavens name do these BFRO people NOT have night vision equipment???????  And if that dang ape is visiting these poor folks NIGHTLY ...why not just put up surveillance cameras around the property and get an actual video of it?   Oh my stinkin' heck.....I am not trained nor educated in Bigfoot in anyway, but I am considering hopping a plane and dropping by Quincy, Florida to totally school these people in how to spot a squatch.