
A Hole

There is a 120 pound hole in my heart today. After a very quick, yet aggressive battle with cancer, my best friend lost her life last night.   She was in our backyard with The Dairy Farmer and myself.  It was a lovely summer evening, especially for June.  We spent 2 hours with her....saying our goodbyes.  She was having pain and discomfort, not really...


Our number one priority

The Dairy Farmer always says that cow comfort is a top priority here at Brechland Farms.  Happy cows make lots of milk and that's kind of important around here.  He says when he walks in the barn he wants to see the ladies laying down and chewing their cud.   Cud, you say?  What on earth is a "cud?"  Well, in my terms it's a big, wadded up ball of...



Just yesterday, in my non-camping post, I made a comment about Bigfoot.   It was kind of, sort of a joke, because, sheesh....we all know, he's not real.  I mean c'mon...a giant hairy ape living in colonies in the woods all over America and NO ONE can get a "real" picture of one?  Or even find a dead one anywhere?  Seriously?  But, you know what....I kind of, sort of wasn't joking.  I, secretly, like to think that there are mysterious animals living in our world and we can't seem to confirm or deny their existence.  Like...


Camping my way

A few weeks ago, I blogged about Jr. Edition and his adventure camping with his class.  Well, he had a FANTASTIC time and was so happy he was able to go.  While he was away, The Dairy Farmer decided we should go camping too. What?  Me?  I don't camp.  I've said it once, twice, three times a lady, I am an "inside" kinda wife.  I will cabin and...