
Happy Halloween?

Not sure what is going on around here, but we have 6-8 inches of snow on the ground and it's not done yet.  We've already had a car in our ditch in front of the farm, we are loosing tree limbs here and there.  Apparently, wet snow is too heavy for those branches that STILL HAVEN'T LOST THEIR LEAVES YET!   Our power has been flickering on and off all day....so we are hopeful it stays one.  A dairy without power isn't pretty.

But, the punks are ready to make the most of it.  It is a tad depressing when you have a snow day on a Saturday!

No need for costumes this year.....we are all going as Snow Bums!

As I was listening to the radio and hearing all the things being cancelled and reading everyone's posts on facebook saying they were playing in the snow, reading, snuggling up with the fam, baking, etc.....made me think that sometimes, God gives us a snow day to remind us all to slow down a bit. 
