
Guess who?

Remember these feet?  They belonged to Twinkletoes...she'd been a little too snug in the womb. Here she is today.....a few weeks later and her feet are good as new.  Amazing what the body can do when left up to nature. Here's her face too.  We've been talking so much about her feet, but her face is pretty cute too. ...


Happy Halloween?

Not sure what is going on around here, but we have 6-8 inches of snow on the ground and it's not done yet.  We've already had a car in our ditch in front of the farm, we are loosing tree limbs here and there.  Apparently, wet snow is too heavy for those branches that STILL HAVEN'T LOST THEIR LEAVES YET!   Our power has been flickering on and off all day....so...


He sees you when you're sleeping.....

He knows when you're awake.......He knows if you've been bad or good...... So, drink your milk for goodness sake! ...


There's a new sheriff in town

Well.....look what happens when you aren't looking!  This little lady has entered our lives today.  She's on probation- considering that she fits in with the kids, cats, dog, chickens, horses, cows, The Dairy Farmer....yada, yada, yada. This is Bella Bleu Brechbill.  So far so good.  She is laying at my feet as I type, taking a bath in the sunshine. ...


Some days are worth it

Since fall is here, we find ourselves getting up to work when it's still dark outside (and it's startin to get cold too) This morning, as I was wandering aimlessly in my cold, dark house....looking for a warm coat....and secretly complaining about having to wake up my sleeping children to go out in the cold, dark......I looked out my window: Of course a photo doesn't...


To Poodle

One night in January 1998, I looked at The Dairy Farmer and said "do you want to have kids?"   He looked at me and said "sure.....someday."  And we went back to watching our regularly scheduled programming. A few days later, I peed on a stick and it turned plus.  We got down to business and got ready to have ourselves a baby brechbill.  I quit my...


Grass is always greener

We are cleaning out our horse barn today- all this rain makes for one stinky barn.  In order to clean it well, we ship all horses and calves outside.  That allows us to get in with a skid loader and remove all the wet bedding. All the calves are outside in the horse pasture- running and jumping and kicking up their heels.  The sun came out and the temperature warmed...



This is Twinkletoes- she's a bit.....special.   She was born with contracted tendons in both her front feet.   It's an abnormality, but not an uncommon one.  Some think it's their positioning in utero that causes it, or genetics could be at play, but we find it occurs in some of our larger calves.   We find that when...