
Swamp Obsession

I'm not sure if you know this or not, but Jr Edition is a lego junkie.  A few days ago, he was locked in his room creating.  When he shuts the door.....he means business. 

He has been dying for me to blog about his latest creation......and here it is:

Why this here.....this here is RJ and Jay Paul.....and if you don't know who these bad boys are, well.....then you haven't been exposed to Swamp People.  

Jr follows in his daddy's footsteps with his penchant for all things History Channel (or Discovery...can't forget about Discovery)  If you checked our DVR queue.....you'll find Deadliest Catch, Mythbusters, Ax Men, Ice Road Truckers and the list goes on and on.  Apparently, there is an obsession with swamp type stuff these days and Jr is often found watching Swamp People, Swamp Loggers, Swamp Brothers.....the swampier the better.

So, RJ (who is the dad) and Jay Paul (the son) live way down in the Louisiana (pronounced Lews-e-anna) bayou and dem boys hunt dem gatas.   I find it terribly amusing that these here fellas are from my own cuntry.....yet, the show is complete with subtitles, cuz I'll be damned if you can understand what they are saying.  It's a combination of english/french-ish and cajunese......combine that with the fact that they have about 3 teeth between all of them, well......you need the subtitles.

Here they are in real life:

Now......if you've watched the show, you know that these.....well.....they are the hot ones.  They make everyone else look like dey been hit wit da ugly stick.  I do believe they are more native american than they are cajun?  But, don't quote me.   I do know that they hunt gators for a living.    See.........

Dem boys got demselves a gata on da line!  If you read this post with Kathy Bates' accent in Waterboy, it will help immensely.    Dem boys ride around in dere swamp buggy (you know, those boats with the huge fan on the back)  and dey lays traps for da gatas.

Dis trap is basically a big hook with da meat on it.    Da hook is tied to a big rope and once dey catch dem a gata...dey haul his big, writhing body up to da surface.....by dis time.....dat gata is pretty pissed.     Jay Paul is equipped wit a gun (you can see it above) and he shoots dat gata in da head.  Now, the episode I watched showed one of them shooting his own boy.  Apparently, you have to hit them just right, or the ricochet can git your boy.  It was all good, cuz dey went home and dat boy's momma cut dat bullet out o his eye wit a steak knife.   

Den,  dey put him in da boat, duct tape hiz mouf shut (just in case....apparently those gators like to play possum) and off dey go to da next gata hole.  

Here is the boat from the back.  Now, Jay Paul really doesn't have blue hair, he kinda has no hair.  And RJ, well......homie has a rat tail that is about 5 feet long.  I often wonder to myself, if I was the one catching gators in the bayou......I'll be dag gone if I'd have a 5 foot rat tail hanging down......I would keep all my personal bits inside the boat at all times.

In case you haven't caught wind of this show......here's what you're missing:

I sure hope he's talking about a squatch.....cuz nothing would excite my family more than if Animal Planet and History Channel teamed up and produced Finding Swamp Foot. Queue the DVR, honey!