
Fill 'er up!

Like I said before....most of the spring is spent getting ready for summer and most of the summer is spent getting ready for winter.  It's a never ending cycle on a dairy farm (or any farm for that matter).  Always seems like we are trying to stay one step ahead of momma nature....

This is my view.  It's calves and corn.....corn and calves......both of them are everywhere!  All that corn will be chopped up into corn silage to feed our ladies during the winter months.  Our corn is very thirsty.  It would really like to have some rain. 

Our hay shed is full......of straw.  I know....just doesn't seem right to keep your straw in your hay shed, does it?  But, that's The Dairy Farmer for ya.....he's always been a rebel.  These are large square bales.  I don't know actual dimensions, but I can tell you.....they are big.....HUGE.

Now these.....these here are......well......I'll let you guess:
<insert jeopardy theme music here>
Did you guess round bales?  You did????  Well, never let it be said that my farm following friends ain't got the smarts!  These are round bales of.......yes, you are correct again.....straw, I think.  It could be hay.  I don't know.  I think it's straw though.  Or, it could be that I do not know of what I speak.   

These are big square bales again, but of a different substance.  This is corn fodder- it's what's left after they chop the corn. It's mostly stalk.  All the fodder and the straw are used as bedding for our cows, calves, horses and chickens.  

 Remember, The Dairy Farmer says: cow comfort is key.  He likes to see them laying down and chewing cud!   And I know you all know what a cud is, right?  You better say yes, I spent of lot of time trying to edumacate you people.

This is cow feed.  I am not sure what is underneath- could be chopped up alfalfa or chopped up corn.....in DF terms....that's haylage or corn silage. 

 It is packed in the bunk silo by tractor- compressed as best we can and covered with plastic.  This allows it to ferment- much like sauerkraut.  Kinda smells like it too.  That prevents it from spoiling.    Now, I have it straight from The Dairy Farmer that "covering trench" is one of the worst jobs here on the farm.  He wants Mike Rowe to come out and help him some day. 

 I think it requires a lot of physical exertion and it may require you to sweat and therefore.....you will not ever find me "covering trench."  I am usually sick that day.

Oh heavens....we ran out of room in the hay shed and had to put things in this shed.  I am not sure what this shed is, but I shall call it the wagon shed.  This poor shed is stuffed full, it's got round bales coming out its front end and its back end.

And of course.....we have small square bales.....and this is straw, I just KNOW it.   So, there you have it.   Just like little squirrels burying their nuts for the winter......so are are the days of our lives.