
It's hot.....

 ....and that's an understatement.  July is here and someone turned the thermostat up.  Way up.  We can do heat, but what we can't do is dry.  We would like some rain, please.  Our corns would like a drink.   We are buckling down here on the farm- praying hard for rain and trying to keep our cows and our dairy farmer cool.      It reminds me of Robin Williams in Good Morning Vietnam, when he's interviewing "Roosevelt"......so I shall leave you with this.....cuz that's kinda how we feel: "What's...


Fill 'er up!

Like I said before....most of the spring is spent getting ready for summer and most of the summer is spent getting ready for winter.  It's a never ending cycle on a dairy farm (or any farm for that matter).  Always seems like we are trying to stay one step ahead of momma nature.... This is my view.  It's calves and corn.....corn and calves......both of them are...


Swamp Obsession

I'm not sure if you know this or not, but Jr Edition is a lego junkie.  A few days ago, he was locked in his room creating.  When he shuts the door.....he means business.  He has been dying for me to blog about his latest creation......and here it is: Why this here.....this here is RJ and Jay Paul.....and if you don't know who these bad boys are, well.....then...


This is nuts

Well....it's here.  The end to civilization as we know it.  I posted about it way back when...in March.....RIGHT HERE.  Roseanne Barr slash Arnold slash no last name just Roseanne is going to take over the word and she's a gonna do it one nut at a time.   Her new reality show is going to air on Lifetime on July 13th.  Her giant nuts are coming at ya straight from the big island of Hawaii.  Maybe she'll explain to you first hand how her nuts are just what you need.  The perfect food.  Her own son has even said he has tried his...


You think you're hot??????

I'll bet dollars to donuts, you've got nuthin' on these guys! It's "real time" on the farm and this is what is going on....right now.....as I type.  I take it you can figure out that since I am posting this, I am not involved in this fun farm activity.  You'd be right.  I have 2 reasons for not helping:  1) I am an asthmatic.  This- well, it would send...



Each day gets a little better.  That's what I told Farm Boy Jr Edition when he come home from my dad's house, hysterically sobbing at 11pm on Wednesday night.  He had gone with his Pap Pap to spend the night so they could leave early for New Jersey to visit my sister.   I wasn't sure if I should let him go, but I let him make his own decision.  It...