
Seriously? Is this what 40 is going to be like?

I have been trying to decide if I want to put my recent "situation" in blog world or not.  Part of me says...nah, who really wants to hear about the craziness of the past few weeks....then part of me says, yes.  Yes, you should document what all we have been through.  Not just for John Q Publik....but for myself, as a reminder of where we were, where we are and how our God helped us get through a scary few weeks.   So, I'm gonna go for it.  So when I am having a bad day, or when I might be mad at my husband or when years from now when...


It's a boy!

10 years ago, on February 1st at 7:36am, those were the magic words The Dairy Farmer got to hear.....and then he heard, "please reach behind you and pull that emergency cord, if you would."  And that was when I died a thousand deaths. All was well......it was just our doctor being proactive and calmly making sure our little boy was going to be ok, he had swallowed some meconium...