
A Morning Musing

I have been neglecting Farmin' in the Ville for awhile and if there are actually people out there who have been lying awake at night wondering if I'm ok and missing your daily dose of farm life- I apologize.

I am busy with "school"....or as some call it "volunteering the heck out of myself."  But it's worth it.  I'll be back in full swing (or at least a partial back swing) after November 13th.  We have a large Silent Auction fundraiser for the punks school that day and between now and then, it drains my time.

I digress.....this post was to be about my oldest punk.....and my family.   This sweet faced little cherub is going to turn 12 on Saturday.   Now, in this picture, she was 7 or 8 and gangly legged Jack was about 4 months.  Now, 2006 really wasn't that long ago, but to see them today, they are both completely different.  Girlfriend has had braces and then had them removed.  She has gorgeous (aka expensive) pearly whites, pierced ears and is no longer wearing OshKosh B'Gosh.  Jack, well, he weighs 180lbs and his muzzle is turning gray.  It reminds me of that country song where the chorus is "time marches on...time marches on."  So true. 

Here is what I woke up early to write about.   We always have a family dinner for the punks birthdays.  We started it from Birthday Nurmero Uno.  See, both our families are divorced, some are remarried and well, our family is quite extended.  The Dairy Farmer and I figured- it wasn't our fault this happened so we really didn't want to be spending our little punkin's special day visiting all these seperate family members, so we said: big party, our house, be there or be square.   And, guess what.....they showed up.   And they have every year for 12 years.  

Last night I realized how blessed we are to be sitting in the room, listening to everyone laugh, joke, tell stories and celebrate the most important person in our lives (which was the oldest punk in this case)  All the hurt, heartache and rough patches are behind us.  I am sure it had to be awkward and uncomfortable at times to spend an evening in the same room with  ex-spouses and new spouses, but they did it for their grandchild.   And as "time marches on"......  it became  comfortable and easy and some of the walls came down and the tension left and we can all smile and laugh and remember those times long ago which, seemed like pure hell, and allow the good parts to surface.   I always joke that we have a very functional dysfunctional family and it's all because "time marches on".......