
Happy Nipple Day!

Now, that there's a holiday you can get on board with, huh?

It's New Nipple day here on the farm....a day that comes with much
angst for our calves and for myself as well. You see, those little suckers, well, they suck. And their suck is a powerful suck and over time, the holes in the nipples become larger and larger. Now, this works in my favor, because those bottle calves....they can down 6 pints of milk in no time at all. That makes feeding time go MUCH faster allowing me to get back in the house in time to catch the last 20 minutes of Ellen. Good heavens, I love her. She makes me laugh....and dance.....and laugh. She's my favorite daytime talk show lesbian. (The other one- and she knows who she is, used to be my fav until she went all crazy on Tom Selleck for supporting the NRA) I digress. So, when those nipple holes get too big, the calves can start aspirating milk and sometimes it causes health issues (like P neumonia) and we don't like that.

So, periodically, we have to get all new nipples. Now, we are back to a "normal" sized hole and oh dear, those calves suck and suck and suck and suck and suck and suck and they start to turn blue and their eyes roll back in their heads and I look at my watch and think, thank heavens for DVR. Needless to say, it takes a bit longer to drain those 6 pints on New Nipple Day.