When does school start?

Wow....it's been a REALLY long time since I've blogged.  So sorry if you've been missing your daily dose of farming. 

Things here are moving along.  As I discussed on Facebook, about 2 weeks ago we were in a drought situation, things in The Ville were looking a bit parched.  Corn was dry and wilting.  The ears were coming on and without rain, they were going to start to try and fill out. 

Well, within the past 2 weeks, we've had some rain.  I know it can ruin our summer fun.  It's no fun to be at the pool and have to pack up and head home.  Trust me, our trip to Raystown was cancelled due to rain, but it was needed.  Boy....was it needed.  Just a few inches of glorious rain can make or break a farm. 

We have hundreds of acres of crops to feed our cattle.  Our cattle need to eat good quality, nutritious feed (and lots of it) to make milk.  We need to sell milk to make money to continue running our farm and take care of our family....well....you can kinda get the picture of how it can become a vicious circle

In a nutshell, the rain made a difference for us and the rest of our county.  Our country is in a drought situation and when we don't have good quality forage for our ladies, we have to buy it.  When the rest of the country is in drought.....prices of feed skyrocket, along with gas prices.   Well, sometimes <insert- most time> farming is a risky, tricky, stressful, tiring gig.  But, The Dairy Farmer is hanging in there.  And as the rains fell last week....a little hint of a smile appeared.   (and was quickly dashed by a few 100' days)  See....ain't it fun?

Speaking of hanging in there.  We are.  Summer is moving along and although we aren't vacationing this summer, well....the punks are.....we aren't, we're still trying to have fun around the farm. 

I am pretty sure school needs to start soon, however.  This is what Farm Boy Jr. Edition was doing this morning:

Yeah....that's right.  He's playing Uno with the dogs.

Bella didn't really care for the hand she was dealt, and Jack will probably lose because, well.....it's hard to hold your cards when you don't have thumbs. 

I had to take Poodle to an orthodontist appointment, so I didn't get to hang around and see who really won.  I was also curious to see how Jr got Jack to say "uno."