God's Promise

A few days ago, we happened to have a pretty decent storm around these parts.  Afterwards, we looked out The Dairy Farmer's office window and low and behold....a full on double rainbow!

It was so close to our house, that we could see the end shimmering just in front of our woods by Penn National.  We considered running over right quick and just standing in it, hoping it would turn us all rainbow brite and sparkly....but, it would have resulted in ruining some corn and beans- so we thought better of it. 

It was also so close to our house that we couldn't get it in one picture.

I am pretty sure that Chambersburg - greater and lesser- stopped in time as facebook exploded with status updates and pictures of this wonder.

I am pretty sure that a rainbow captivates us so much because it's our visual reminder of God's promise.  It's not just refraction and dispersion of the sun's light by rain, it's a promise that God made to us after Noah and the great flood....to never do that again and God always keeps his promises. 

I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth.  Genesis 9:13.   


Here we go again

When I was out browsing around the barn the other day, guess who I saw?

None other than Ms. Brown Sugar.  She has a special place in our hearts, because she was our first red calf that was born on my watch.   You can read all about her in her very own blog post HERE.

Then Brown Sugar had her first baby......which was named Cheezit and you can read all about her RIGHT HERE

And, of course, time flies when you're having fun and she had another baby....
who looks like this:

But, <sniff, sniff> he is a boy.  He's super cute and super brown with super big, warm, soft eyes and we don't want to get rid of him!    He's a nice looking guy, so we are going to keep him maybe sell him for breeding.  It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it, right? 

In keeping with tradition, we named him.  Allow me to introduce you to :

We pride ourselves on our originality around here.